
Welcome to PT. Pillar Handal Sejati Pumps Heat Exchangers Valves Pigging

Q-Pumps Proudly Made in Mexico

HIgh Shear Mixer for sanitary processes.

Since 1997, Q-Pumps has been dedicated to manufacturing sanitary pumping & Mixing equipment for the food, beverage, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. We aim to improve our user’s processes in more tan 40 countries, with the perfect blend between human capital and cutting-edge technology.

QIM Inline Mixer

The Most Versatile Mixers In The Market.

Perfectly Created Solutions For Applications That Require To Be Homogenized Or Disintegrated While Being Pumped. Centrifugal Equipment In Radial Flow Line Designed Under 3-A & EHEDG Standards.

QDB Dry Blender

Mixer For Powders, Liquids And Disintegration Of Solids

The QDB Has A Modular Design That Consists Of An InLine Mixer QIM, Coupled To A Work Table And A Cone, Easing The Process Of Powders Addition. Meets 3-A & EHEDG Standards.

QVM High Viscosity Mixer

Integrates An EHEDG Certified QTS Pump.

The QVM Series Is An Integrated InLine Mixer QIM With A Twin Screw QTS Pump, Which Improves The Performance And Allows The Pumping Of Products With Higher Viscosities.